We spent our first evening hanging out at our place (motor home) with our niece Manon. Then she came over again a couple of days later and I made Phillie Cheese sandwiches...really good. This is a picture of her with her niece Lyssa in her Halloween costume. Manon works on her own and does remodeling and computer support.
The next aftenoon was Labor Day and our niece Paula came over. We visited over a glass of wine, then Randy suggested that we go to Panera Bread for mac and cheese. I would say theirs is "to die for", but I really don't want to die over a bowl of mac and cheese, so I prefer not to use that term. But theirs is really good!!! This is Paula. She's a banker...actually a commercial loan officer...I don't know her exact title.

So you see, all I'm doing is eating and visiting.
Not so with Randy. The reason we're here for three weeks is because he's training a new tool dealer (Cornwell Tools, the oldest mobile tool company). They spent the first three days loading all the new tools on the tool truck and went out on the route on Friday. Randy will ride with him for two weeks before he's on his own, with MUCH telephone support from Randy.
Now, back to the eating part...Paula took us out on Friday night to Noodles where we had Margherita Pizzas. Not to be confused with margaritas to drink, they are actually named after a girl. They were almost to die for. Saturday morning we had a huge buffet breakfast, then went to visit our nephew John and family, Erin and Lyssa and baby-on-the-way. We toured the large addition onto their home...it's great...very roomy and colorful. Lyssa was allowed to choose the colors of her bedroom...purple and green...turned out to be a good choice! Then we got to read Lyssa a story and watch her build blocks as tall as she is (almost 3 years old now).
Well, yesterday was Sunday and guess what we ate? All the leftovers!!!
I hope this didn't wear you out. But the thing is, normally I never have this much going on. But as everyone who knows me is aware, I'm a very detailed person. Bet you can't wait to hear about this week!